Picture Insect creates a friendly space for people who love nature to share and explore the lives of animals. It's great that it appeared and answered most of the users' questions once they encountered an unfamiliar insect. Providing complete and accurate information is the outstanding advantage of the application. We fixed the bugs and brought the best version; let's find out together!
Ensuring the accuracy of the information provided to the user, Picture Insect formed a team to research and find out specific characteristics; then, you will better understand the world out there. Knowledge is added with a single tap, photos are uploaded to the system, and everything you want is provided. The scope of the application's ability is extensive; it can take only a few seconds to display all information about more than 4000 different species of insects.
Not only is it agile in search operations, but we also assure users that the amount of information that is regularly updated has an accuracy of up to 95%. So you won't have to worry about spam or unofficial sources. Satisfy your curiosity and increase your knowledge now with the app! Surely your impression will be very positive.
With the advantage of quickly and accurately updating information, Picture Insect promises to do an excellent job as an essential source of knowledge for the learning process on insects. Using it will also increase the excitement, wanting to learn more about other animals in the wild. Instill in young people a love for the big world and ameliorate their predicament in communicating with nature.
That's why we created an easy-to-use a user-friendly interactive animal dictionary; all the information you want to know is quickly provided on the main screen and most of the small questions. With the friendliness of this interface, it is straightforward to ask questions and find answers. Use the tips shown to get better use of the app! Other related will be updated below.
Picture Insect is also a platform to connect nature lovers together as you can build a permanent account. There is a personal collection, and this is where you will find the animals in the search history. They are all saved and clearly identified in which group, what characteristics. The app's understanding gives you the opportunity to experience the natural space with your insect friends!
The use of Picture Insect as a search engine, learn about the insects you encounter at home, in the schoolyard, or in the forest where you are picnicking with friends while ensuring the satisfaction of curiosity and interest with that is to provide skills to learn and remember information about many different animals. Leave your rating to the satisfaction, and we wish you exciting new discoveries! This is a precious thing for an application that is trusted by millions of users.