An exciting role is included in
Black Border: Border Patrol Simulator Game for players to easily access and experience: the immigration check. You will be the examiner and also the person who decides whether to allow objects to enter your country or not. In addition, the challenges and requirements will always increase, and you must comply with them with absolute precision. In addition, do not forget to experience the function of changing the appearance of the character.
Players will enter a fictional world where countries were once at war; now, peace is restored, and the border is opened. From there, you will take on an extremely leisurely job but need carefulness and understanding to find the surprise. In the role of a border officer, the player will need to check whether the documents of people entering your country match what is required at the beginning of the screen and allow them to enter the country.
You will play this character and see everything from a first-person perspective, and you will start your day in a room similar to the one you often see at the airport where characters can give their documents. In addition, you can interact with elements on the table, such as microphones, stamps, or even select specific actions to ask the characters to appear to explain information. From there, you will have a basis to approve them or not, which is why this game requires your care.
As mentioned above, you will be the one to approve or deny the entry requests of those who appear before your eyes. It is certain that if you do not complete the task or request assigned, dire consequences can occur during the game. At the same time, your work will be repeated in the same way, but each case has characteristics and problems that you must consider. You will also know how much of your mistake limit is left.
You will receive a passport, and you only need to compare the necessary elements to detect the accuracy of the passport. Just one factor different from the actual image, you can refuse the entry request of these characters. In addition, do not forget to let them explain the changes to the passport to help increase the persuasion of your decision. You also need to be careful in your stamping process and choose the right stamping area.

Over time, checking your gender or face is no longer a commonly used factor but will move to other aspects. The subjects you meet at first are just people who want to enter your country even if they are only foreigners. In addition, you find many of the same dangerous elements as in real life. There will be those who possess weapons or illegal items of smugglers. So letting them in without explicitly checking it would be completely dangerous.
It is a simulation game, so some elements similar to real-life will be added in Black Border to help players feel completely real. The first factor is the amount of time that you will need to work. Specifically, you will have yourself a day to work, and when the time has completely counted down to 0, it will also complete your day's work. At the same time, some dangerous elements sometimes appear when you complete the level.

Another factor that you will need to consider is the immigration laws that appear at the beginning of your working day. Before you ask people from outside to come in and present documents, you will need to take care of the rules that are required at the level. Specifically, they will give you audience limits and requirements on these subjects. It is also the basis to evaluate and make entry decisions for those who meet the requirements to avoid possible unforeseen circumstances.
During the game, you will find many different players, taking your time to complete it. Therefore, every day of play, there will be a new request, and you will certainly not be able to ignore it. You will see requests getting longer and more complex day by day. At the same time, you will also face more violent incidents of terrorists and conspiracy to store dangerous and forbidden things. With attractive gameplay, you definitely won't be able to take your eyes off it.
During playing Black Border, you will surely meet many different objects from simple to scheming as they will find ways to bypass your tests. Besides the dangerous elements, people will use the money to bribe you to get you to accept their entry. You will need to consider what you do according to the rules and receive a little bribe to increase the fun of the game. But you also need to pay attention to these warnings to act correctly.