Genius Killer 2 will bring you to an entirely new and unique paradise. This is an expansive simulation game, and in it, your participation will become meaningful. Thousands of special weapons and vehicles are gradually released on the market through your own hands and brains. This exciting game is constantly updated with new things and makes it an attractive attraction for players. Come and conquer the mysterious challenges in this game.
Usually, when starting to create or design a weapon or vehicle, it will take a lot of difficulties, and the challenges presented are many. If you are an amateur, then perhaps making those items will be extremely difficult and impossible to do. But if you have a well-known expert who can advise as well as give you a strategy to build for yourself, you will undoubtedly be able to do it.

This 2nd Genius Killer features the perfect match between you and a renowned consultant. You dare to come up with your own ideas, come up with a sketch and then gradually go through the expert opinion and proceed. Don't worry too much because the presence of experts will help you a lot. Gradually, modern weapons and means of combat will be progressively introduced to consumers and receive positive comments.
Genius Killer 2 always respects your personal opinion and will follow you closely as you work on those designs. You should also try bolder ideas like uncrewed aerial vehicles or giant spaceships from convenient and straightforward weapons. These ideas will involve yourself and other fabricators to quickly create attractive finished products.
With a chaotic situation like that, it is vital to use your own high-level means, so do your best to produce it as quickly as possible. After completing a project, invite researchers to examine the aspects. Then we tested together and put into battle. The most beautiful thing is that each masterpiece will be stored by Genius Killer 2 as respect for your efforts as well as a reference for your ideas.