Plants vs. Zombies FREE (MOD, Unlimited Money/Suns) is no longer a strange name when you will shoulder the huge responsibility of growing different plants to protect you from zombie attacks.
No need to introduce Everyone knows the publisher Plants vs. Zombies product. It is one of the publisher's most popular products in the desktop game genre. If you say it's a strategy game, that's not true, because it's more about casual games. "Plants vs. Zombies" is a combination of various elements that make a product both appealing and full of fun. Of course, it doesn't work in a turn-based fashion.

The time of change, I was also the time when popular products on the PC began to revive on smart devices. "Plants vs. Zombies" is also one of the first to launch a PC game move on mobile phones. New to its earliest version has been released on iOS and in 2010. Up to now, 10 years have passed, and it still holds its position on all platforms. A simple example is right on its Google Play version for Android devices; this game has achieved over 100 million downloads and reached the top of the best games selected by editors. Moreover, this series of games has been developing on smart devices, which means that the only product on the PC is the original, the later released games are exclusively for mobile devices. In general, this is a pretty right development direction.

Back to the problem with "Plants vs. Zombies," then we can quickly see that its graphics are reproduced exactly as they were on the PC. The only difference between playing "Plants vs. Zombies" on PC and mobile is manipulation. This means that when you play on a PC, for example, you can use the mouse to control the objects you own, and smartphone can use your fingers. You can quickly see that the green grass, the plants are funny, and the slow zombies are described sharply. This is a game designed with 2D graphics, the image in the game is drawn directly and the solid color it uses to be mainstream is also bright and eye-catching. Each different stage will take you to different locations. Each of these places will have their main themes; everything is meticulously designed to give players the most fun experience.
The most classic defense game!
Talks about the gameplay are almost familiar to experienced gamers. As mentioned earlier, "Plants vs. Zombies" will operate images according to the mechanism of a strategy game, where players will have to own their own squad to defend against the zombies trying to invade the field of your home. These zombie hordes do not possess too many extremely diverse and influential after they have many variations and contain different abilities. At first, they were quite weak, but the more powerful, the later. They possess high tolerance, fast movement speed, and sometimes even fly. Overall ability is hugely diverse and attractive. Eat but don't worry too much because your Plants army is not inferior. There are some types that do not attack but offer the ability to summon other plants, or there are some that slow the opponent, There are even traps. The two sides always have equal power, but the player will have to choose for themselves a perfect army to put into battle. Each time you can only bring about 7 types of plants.

5 locations represent 5 different places in the house, such as the front yard, the backyard, the pool, and the roof, ... Each place will have different characteristics to challenge the intelligence of the player. Because those features always support Zombies and make you difficult. You will have a few plants that can overcome the drawbacks so you can take advantage. A small note is that sometimes there are beneficial plants at this location, but useless elsewhere. Don't be foolish and choose it.