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Virtua Tennis Challenge

Virtua Tennis Challenge v1.8.3 MOD APK (Unlocked) Download

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App Name Virtua Tennis Challenge
Genre Sports
Size 340.34MB
Latest Version 1.8.3
MOD Info Unlocked
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Rating 3.6/5 (8 votes)
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If we say that Virtua Tennis Challenge is a new game for SEGA, there will be a lot of people who do not believe that SEGA is always doing light entertainment and the main character is the cute sonic hedgehog. But this time to meet the wishes of many fans, they have invested and released a great game that is Virtua Tennis Challenge. After launching a three-month trial on Android and iOS, SEGA released the official version on December 18 and anyone can download the game from the mobile app store. Tennis is a very popular sport all over the world. For the mobile game market, we have many publishers specializing in producing sports games but really only soccer is very popular. Best. But where are tennis fans? We were also very happy that this game was developed by SEGA, a developer who knows how to please and always listen to comments from users. About the game, Virtua Tennis Challenge also has a simple gameplay like other mobile games, the player will have to control his character moving around to hold the ball, keep the screen to root force when hitting the ball. Special points will have two different views, players can choose the best angle for yourself to experience this game. If you do not understand the rules of this exciting sport, we will not explain here because it is too long and complex, we think you should find out before joining the game to avoid the surprised. Referees in the game will penalize you in the same way as offenders if you break the rules. Players can set up their own clubs, train players, train daily to participate in professional tournaments held weekly. The publisher is also quite willing to allow players to choose any club they like to join. The graphics are the highlight of this game because SEGA has long been known as a publisher of classic games with 2D or even 8-bit graphics. But with the Virtua Tennis Challenge, SEGA has equipped its brainchild with a high-end 3D graphics platform that is comparable to the top-notch sports games currently available on mobile applications. like the FIFA 17 or Dream League Soccer 2018. The character in the game is designed to be the most real life. You will easily see some of the superstars in this tennis sport such as Jimmy Connors, Ivan Lendl, Bjorn Borg. Bjorn Borg. Although the game has not yet played online with all players around the world, SEGA promised to try to upgrade this feature in the upcoming version, the current user can only select two The main mode of play is playing with AI or playing with friends via a Bluetooth connection. The way to connect with friends is quite simple, you just need to set 2 Player mode, then connect to your friend's device in a close range, right after that you can compare one on one International standard tennis court. Although Virtua Tennis Challenge does not have any hit points, what SEGA brings us cannot be beaten. This is a great sports game for tennis lovers. Download this game and take part in the top-rated matches with over 50 different clubs from 18 countries around the world.

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plis update for powerfull game play...and plis add virtua tenis chalenge 2 for mobile...i have play vtc 2 on pc...i want exp for mobile 2.... tq



Gabriel ✳️

muito bom 👍


说起网球游戏,就不得不提及世嘉的VR网球系列。这款游戏根据其发行时间来看,很可能是世嘉旗下的这个系列在移动端的试水之作。当然结果如何我们也看到了,它没有续作。即使是主机上,距离上一部作品《VR网球4》也发售差不多10年了,也不知道还有没有新作。 扯远了。很明显,无论是玩法还是模式都可以看出,世嘉是用掌机游戏的设计理念来制作这款游戏。游戏提供两种操作方式,其中有一种就是原来掌机的操作方式,以方便从掌机转移过来的玩家。与现在的手游相比,这款游戏玩法很纯粹,快速比赛就是玩家操控游戏中提供的几个人物和AI对战,赢了就是赢了,系统也不会给什么奖励;生涯模式就是模拟一个网球运动员的职业生涯。 游戏中的生涯模式相对主机端要素简化,但基本内容不变。生涯模式的玩法也很简单,就是参加实际上相当于ATP500、ATP大师赛、大满贯三个级别的赛事。当然一开始玩家只能参加最低级的赛事,玩家的目标就是从中不断获得胜利,赢取金钱,提升自己的世界排名,参加更高级的赛事,最终获得大满贯,成为网坛名宿。游戏里阻碍玩家前进的因素,除了金钱就是玩家的操作,连最基本的各项属性都没有,纯粹就是技术的比拼,因此也阉割了VR网球3中的一些小游戏。 不知道为什么,这款游戏没有像它的主机端一样获得授权。但世嘉设计了50个风格完全不同的网球运动员,由他们作为玩家的对手,这些运动员大多数都能在现实中找到原型。与VR网球3携带版生涯模式中世界排名的提升仅仅是数字的提升相比,这样的设计毫无疑问为增强玩家的代入感和获得感(当然如果有授权那就更好了)。美中不足的是,这50个运动员的难度差距设计得有些大,不太合现实。ATP250比赛基本上就是无双,而大满贯到了后期半决赛决赛难度很大(对我来说),我还记得有一次在澳网决赛上被某塞尔维亚选手大逆转后气得直接摔了手机(其实是我太菜了无能狂怒QwQ)。 受制于当时手机性能,这款游戏的话最应该介于VR网球携带版和VR网球4之间,也算是不错的了。音乐嘛,就只有一首曲子;但音效做的不错,裁判员、观众的音效都很还原,网球在地上碰撞的声音听起来就很有质感,当然由于要素简化和主机端还是有些差距。 这就是我的一些想法,与其说是想法,不如说是怀古伤今。现在除了NBA2K外,已经很难在移动端找到这么纯粹的设计了,无论是熟知的NBA Live,还是实况足球,都搞得花里胡哨的,同质化严重,反而丢失了体育游戏的最本质内容。因此在这对比之下,我更加怀念移动端的远古之作了。一直希望这样的移植能够加大力度,可惜不可能再有了,只能看看那些独立游戏能够带来什么眼前一亮的地方吧。

Seqtan Jiraya
